National Post ePaper


OK, Alberta! The Eastern bully kicked sand in our faces again. What are we going to do? Will we get some muscle and look for ways to teach the bully a lesson, or will we just take the humiliation and cry in our towel? I want to explore ways to build up some muscle, I’m done with the towel. There must be ways we can stand up to the bully. I am no expert, but can we not emulate what Quebec does? Form our own provincial police force, collect our own taxes, manage our own pension plan, there must be many more ways we can distance ourselves from Eastern control. I just know I can’t continue to bend the knee to Ottawa, I don’t have answers, but I’m ready to fight.

R.S. COSH (Don’t expect much with a provincial government in disarray, and ineffective in dealing with the federal Liberals.)





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