National Post ePaper

Trudeau will inherit the wind

He can’t see the division. It’s wilful blindness

John Ivison

If the 43rd and 44th Canadian parliaments promise to be as similar as Tweedledum and Tweedledee, it does not mean the election campaign was without consequence.

Justin Trudeau, in his acceptance speech, said some have talked about divisions in the country “but that’s not what I see.”

That is wilful blindness. Trudeau’s Liberal party has retained power — just — but has lost nearly two million votes since its resounding win in 2015; the prime minister has won two elections with a smaller share of the popular vote than his Conservative rivals; he has helped bolster the far right People’s Party, which attracted more than 800,000 votes, and by calling an election in a pandemic, has helped to contribute to a turnout of 58.4 per cent, the lowest in Canadian history if confirmed.

All the leading parties will be forced to take stock. Former U.S. secretary of state Colin Powell once told President George W. Bush about the Pottery Barn rule: “If you break it, you own it.” Trudeau fomented division for political advantage and now he owns it. He heads a minority government that will rely on the Bloc Québécois and/or NDP to pass its agenda and will likely face another election within two years.

Will his party want to risk heading into another election with such a polarizing figure at the helm? Will he want to risk the ignominy of rejection? A re-elected Liberal candidate in Nova Scotia told one voter on the doorstep that another Liberal minority would likely see Trudeau forced out, so this is a live issue.

In his concession speech, Erin O’toole wanted to let party members know what is going on — he is going on, and they will have to drag him from his post if they want another leader. He was hobbled from the start, not by low polling numbers, but by a leadership campaign in which he ran as a rockribbed conservative, before switching in the general election to present a more centrist face to voters. That expediency was repeated during the campaign, as the Conservatives shifted position on issues from guns to pipelines, opening O’toole up to Trudeau’s charge that he would say anything to get elected.

The failure to capitalize on Trudeau’s unpopularity, and the rise of the People’s Party, will lead many Conservatives to draw the misguided conclusion that the party has to return to its true blue roots. I counted at least 17 ridings where the PPC vote was higher than the Liberal margin of victory. But if O’toole had come out against vaccinations, how many seats would he have lost?

The Conservative leader was right to say that the party has to change because Canada has changed. “We set out on a path to engage more Canadians … We must continue this journey to welcome Canadians to take another look at this party,” he said.

Of course it must. The Conservatives were locked out of the 25 seats in Toronto, won none of the 18 seats on the Island of Montreal and lost the two seats it held in Vancouver’s 15 ridings.

O’toole’s challenge now is to build a coalition that can resist the PPC on the right and does not rely on the NDP vote holding up on the left.

Jagmeet Singh remains the kingmaker in Parliament but it was a hugely disappointing night for a party that had hoped at one point to double its seat count from 24. Singh generates huge interest on social media like Tiktok and Twitch. But the youth vote did not turn up. He is an immensely likable person with a talent for retail politics. But his Robin Hood routine gets old quickly and he appears to have little interest in policy.

The NDP has the man; it needs a better plan.

How did we come to a result that pleases nobody?

I travelled with all three major leaders’ tours, I believe the only journalist who did so, and here’s what I saw.

The campaign kicked off with Trudeau’s short walk to Rideau Hall to seek the Governor general’s consent to dissolve Parliament. Despite retaining the confidence of the House of Commons, he explained that “consequential” moves needed to be taken by his government, requiring “the most important (election) since 1945.”

Nobody was fooled — the economy was bouncing back and employment was almost back to pre-pandemic levels. It was an opportunistic wager that he could torpedo O’toole, while he languished in the polls, virtually unknown to most Canadians.

But the Liberal plan had not taken account of events in Afghanistan, where the Taliban marched into Kabul on the very same day. The juxtaposition of horrendous scenes in the Afghan capital with Trudeau’s self-interest boded ill for the campaign.

The tone was set on Day 1 — a departure from the sunny, hopeful narrative of the 2015 election. Instead, the Liberal leader tried to make mandatory vaccination the ballot question. “Not every political party agrees,” he said, despite all the parties in Parliament being in agreement that vaccinations are desirable, safe and effective. O’toole insisted that vaccinations are important, but that people should make their own decisions, a logical position, since even the Bloc and Green leaders had expressed their concerns about the implications for freedom of choice. But it was too late, the wedge was in.

If the Liberals had expected a fairly routine mopping up operation on their way to majority, they were swiftly disabused of the notion. The NDP attacked from the left, pointing out that Trudeau had failed to reduce greenhouse gas emissions (in fact, they rose three per cent between 2016 and 2019) and had presided over a housing market in which prices had soared by hundreds of thousands of dollars.

Trudeau seemed caught off-guard when the Conservatives launched their entire platform on day one of the campaign. It was uncosted but it bulged with ideas that ranged from the intriguing to the impractical — a month-long GST holiday, a “jobs surge” wage subsidy for new hires, investment tax credits, a “dine and discover” rebate on food and drink in restaurants, and a $60-billion increase in health transfers to provinces over 10 years. Crucially, the party promised to rip up the Liberals’ $30 billion daycare plan, even though agreements had already been signed with

eight provinces. That commitment proved manna for Trudeau who argued his plan would take a “she-cession and turn it into a she-covery,” to a collective wince from lovers of the language of Shakespeare. I suggested at the time that O’toole might rue the decision not to quietly concede the battle of choice in daycare as a lost cause.

However, in the early going nothing was going right for the Liberals and the Conservatives moved to parity in the first week in some polls. They were emboldened by the Nova Scotia provincial election, which saw a Progressive Conservative party come from behind to gain a majority. O’toole won over the nation’s dog lovers by promising to ban puppy mills.

I joined the Liberal tour in the second week. Instead of being in Conservative ridings, it spent much of the time shoring up support in Liberal ridings like Miramichi-grand Lake in New Brunswick (later lost to the Conservatives). The Liberals attacked O’toole over his support for private health care but an edited video tweeted out by Deputy Prime Minister Chrystia

Freeland omitted O’toole’s caveat about experimentation — “universal access remains paramount.” Twitter labelled the Liberal attack “manipulated media” and it seemed that the prime minister’s prospects were heading the same way as his polling numbers.

In Hamilton, Ont., Trudeau encountered his first protesters, in this instance complaining about uncertainty in the housing market, the subject of that day’s announcement. But the next day in White Rock, B.C., a more concerted anti-vaccination protest made its presence felt. The backyard announcement about a wealth tax on excess bank profits was all but drowned out by the sound of democracy in action. “Trudeau, you piece of s**t. You’ll never take

away my freedom,” shouted one heckler.

The Liberal leader could easily have avoided the protest by being spirited away by the RCMP. But the warroom had spotted a way to turn their leader from selfish opportunist into the victim of an anti-vaccination mob.

The Liberal campaign was uninspiring, its policies were drab and the leader’s rhetoric disingenuous. But being chased down the street by the crackpot fringe instantly turned him into a more sympathetic figure. As the protests became more intense, so Liberal candidates noted that their support began to harden on the doorsteps.

In Bolton, Ont., on the evening of Friday, Aug. 27, the frenzied contempt for Trudeau reached its apogee and the evening rally had to be cancelled because safety could not be guaranteed for the candidate, his supporters, or, more importantly from where I was standing, the media.

Trudeau spoke to the anger at an impromptu press conference afterward, suggesting the protesters felt powerless as the world unfolded in ways they couldn’t control. “We all need to reflect on whether we want to go down that path of anger, division and intolerance,” he said in a moment of unguarded sincerity. But it turned out to be in his political interests to go down that path. Within days, Trudeau was accusing O’toole of siding with the vaccine protesters.

At the start of September, I hopped on to the O’toole campaign.

The day the costed Liberal platform landed, O’toole was criticized for appearing to repeat Trudeau’s 2014 gaffe about budgets balancing themselves. He said the deficit would be eliminated by revenue growth from productive investments. But in successful campaigns, mistakes are glossed over and, in any case, the media was more focused on the latest travails to hit the Liberals

— sexual impropriety allegations against one of the party’s MPS.

Nothing was sticking to O’toole until Liberals started picking up on something he said in the TVA French language debate — that an O’toole government would keep the ban on assault weapons in place. The Liberals pointed out that the Conservative platform was clear that the party would repeal the Liberal prohibition on “assault-style” guns. It turned out to be an exercise in semantics — O’toole did not consider models banned by the Liberals such as the AR-15 semi-automatic to be fully-fledged assault weapons. The issue dogged O’toole for three days until he relented and said the Liberal prohibition would remain in place, pending a classification review.

It was a sensible compromise that allowed O’toole to move off the topic. But it upset the gun-loving base, some of whom likely defected to Maxime Bernier’s People’s Party and allowed Trudeau to portray him as a “wishy-washy, weak leader.”

From that point on, Conservative fortunes nosedived. The Liberals pounded O’toole as an anti-vax, anti-choice, climate denier, gun lobby stooge.

O’toole maintained in the English language debate that he was “driving the bus.” But Trudeau repeatedly made the point that he was “not leading, but misleading.”

The Conservative leader didn’t seem to have a second act and fell back on ads that reminded voters Trudeau had promised there would be no pandemic election — a pledge that raised questions of trust. They clearly failed to find their mark.

Even the appearance of a book by former Liberal justice minister Jody Wilson-raybould, which portrayed Trudeau as a petulant leader who turns on women who don’t let him have his own way, failed to shift the momentum. All that was left for the Liberals was to roll out Project Fear — the perennial election ploy of peeling off the one in five progressive voters that might vote NDP or Liberal.

The NDP had seen its support dip in the final days of the 2019 campaign and was determined to foil the

Faustian bargain of strategic voting this time around. Jagmeet Singh targeted Trudeau as being “all show” and said there was a cost to voting Liberal, in the form of inaction on climate change and continued income inequality.

Trudeau pivoted his message, which had not leaned heavily on the Liberal track record, to claim that “setting a price on pollution against the objections of Conservative premiers all the way to the Supreme Court, is not nothing.”

Other campaigns noted a softening (but not a collapse) in NDP support — not helped by an unrealistic platform that suggested $214 billion in new spending would be paid for, in part, by $166 billion in new revenues from taxes on corporations and individuals, including a $60 billion wealth tax. The party insisted its numbers had been validated by the Parliamentary Budget Officer but the PBO was extremely cautious about the uncertainty of the “behavioural response.”

Doubts about the efficacy of the NDP plan allowed Trudeau to patronize Singh as quixotic. “We are a party with real ambition, not a dream and a wish list,” he said.

In Quebec, the Liberals were seeing an uptick in support and headed into ridings held by the Bloc Québécois. At an orchard on the south shore riding of La Prairie, he was embraced by a friendly crowd of non-partisans, as sunny ways returned to the campaign trail — a stark contrast to the protests in Ontario.

The Liberals would likely have done even better in Quebec, had not the moderator of the English-language debate, Shachi Kurl, posed a question to Bloc leader Yvesfrançois Blanchet that was widely interpreted in the province as Quebec-bashing. The backlash boosted the Bloc in the polls.

The last week of the campaign saw all parties becalmed, with nothing new to say.

Yet the electoral gods shifted allegiance in the dying days. Trudeau claimed that, if voters wanted the pandemic to end, they should vote Liberal. That seemingly outlandish statement was swiftly vindicated by Alberta premier Jason Kenney’s mea culpa that he got it wrong when he lifted COVID restrictions in July. The province had an infection level three times that of Ontario, with only one third the population. “(Do) people think it would be a good idea for Erin O’toole to be sitting across from Jason Kenney when it comes to finishing the pandemic?” Trudeau asked.

At the end of such a dispiriting campaign, none of the leaders emerged having achieved what they set out to do — not even Bernier, who saw the PPC vote increase by 177 per cent but did not win his seat.

Many voters trudged to the polls feeling like the Toronto Star editorial board endorsing Trudeau “very reluctantly.”

Earlier in the campaign, he was almost giddy when he told reporters that he wanted a mandate to do “more really, really, big things.”

But this humbling result tells him that there is no groundswell of enthusiasm for his leadership.

A healing must begin but it is far from clear that he is capable of reaching out to those with whom he disagrees.





