National Post ePaper


By Walter D. Feener


1. Say amusing things

5. Toy baby

9. Sauce for seafood

11. It’s used in abbreviations

13. For the reason that

14. Branch of mathematics

16. Wood used in making furniture

17. Garden flower

19. Gender

20. Iridescent gem

22. Speak angrily

23. Of birth

25. Aaron’s brother

27. Elephant tooth

29. Existed

30. Casual wear

32. Abrasive mineral

34. Size of a surface

35. In addition to

36. Crow relative

38. Feel sorrow about

41. Beneficiary

42. Mountain lake

44. Prepare a new version of

46. White bird

48. Quick intake of breath

50. Defeat narrowly

51. Circle segment

52. Mournful

55. Chest bone

56. To belong

58. Showing destructive force

60. Cups and saucers (2 words)

61. Cover completely

62. Small brown bird

63. At most


1. Male donkey

2. Baseball abbreviation

3. Short, remaining piece of a pencil

4. Stun gun

5. Supermarket section

6. Keyboard instrument

7. Tell untruths

8. Seafood choice

9. It’s “short and stout” in a children’s song

10. Series of boat races

11. Trousers

12. Dark and depressing

13. Sound a bass drum makes

15. Shaft for a pair of wheels

18. Burden

21. Port on the English channel (2 words)

24. Impressive

26. Father

28. Brown seaweed

31. It’s usually due on the first of

each month

33. Stubborn one

35. Deeply thoughtful

36. Response declining an invitation

37. Flight personnel

38. Move with a mouse

39. Make right what was wrong

40. Locomotive

41. One thing on top of another

43. One who acts on behalf of another

45. Money owed to others

47. Pick on

49. Use a roller

53. Property claim

54. Chanel of fashion

57. Paving material

59. One time around a race track




