National Post ePaper

Introverts make noise

Introverts, here’s how to be seen and heard in this loud world, according to Jill Chang:

■ Find your motivation, what do you want, and what matters to you most: introverts’ energies come from within, which means if your job reflects your belief, you’ll gain a lot more power and energy, and vise versa. Try to use this superpower in the workplace.

■ Spend time to know yourself – what are your strengths, what do you do best, and try to design your strategies around them. Utilize your strengths first before trying to invest a good amount of time and resources to improve the weakness.

■ Be strategic in managing your energy. Introverts’ most valuable asset is their energies because they’re powerful and limited; once the energies are gone, introverts need alone time to recharge.

■ Be mindful of selecting friends: introverts select friends carefully, and friendships tend to last long and deep. Try to surround yourself with people that bring you inspiration, confidence and positive energies.





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